Sunday, March 04, 2007

Photos of Lunar Eclipse last night!!!

This is my first poor attempt at astrophotography(!) I enjoyed doing it as I was just experimenting using my Treo handset with my 80mm refractor telescope and I was rather surprised with the result!

Let me know what you think and any advice/tip would be gratefully received as this is an area that I would like to pursue...

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Rather awesome

Been watching the lunar eclipse - my 2nd one (but it's first time for
Martin). Have been trying out very amateurish 'astrophotograhpy' using
the photo feature of my mobile phone(!).

Will publish them as soon I have them on my computer...

BTW, saw Saturn for the first time through the telescope - very very
impressive as I could see the rings and the space between the rings and
the planet! I was gobsmacked!