Its been YONKS since I wrote anything! Time I "carpe diem" and do things I want to do!
Martin and I took time out to do something different today by attending a festive ceremony at Reading Buddhist Priory this morning which takes place every year near Taurus Full Moon. This festival is called Wesak - or Festival of Buddha's Birth.
It was first time I took Martin to the Priory - and I was over anxious how he may perceive the ceremony or Buddhist's Teaching so I took a lot of time out explaining to him about things that he may see strange. In the end - Martin told me to chill! I guess this was one of the old pattern arising - having had experience of having a partner from the past who told me that I should forget the whole Buddhist thing after having attended Wesak ceremony. There were things I didn't tell him - that we do full prostrations during the ceremony (as part of process to let things go and to experience true graditude), but all my fears were proven groundless!
The Wesak ceremony was inspiring and meeting the new people at the Priory was rather nice - teaching me the true meaning of impermanence as I was expecting to see a room full of old-timers. It was also lovely to see the Prior, Rev Olwen, who taught me how to meditate when I first visit the Priory back in 1997. When we left at lunchtime, I felt nothing but exquiste joy - there is more to this life. Life is full of meanings - life isn't all about commuting/work/trying to get by - Life is there for us to grasp it and make the most of it to the best of our ability. The "......." is here and now and I don't need to run after it or find it elsewhere. :)
Today I've decided that I should go down to the Priory more often. Happy Wesak! :)