Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Election 2005 afterthoughts

Some good - some bad.

The good thing is that the Labour Party has reduced majority - they cannot override the House any more. However, for me, the best thing is that the number of Liberal Democrats has gone up to 62 - but unfortunately lost five seats to the Tories, notably Guildford.

However the frightening thing about the election results is the increase number of Conservatives - and the fact that Labour lost St Albans seat to the Tories. Its good that we got rid of Kerry Pollard - pretty useless MP if you ask me but we ended up with Anne Main - Conservatives. :( I don't know who I would choose if I had to choose between Kerry or Anne - this probably would be the only time I choose to not vote or spoil my ballot paper.

Thank goodness for the REAL alternative - Lib Dems! Without this party I probably would be very disillusioned with UK politics.

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