Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Ι'm back :)

Hello! Oh my - it has been ages since I entered anything in my LJ.... so much has happened since.

I am happily settled in Hemel Hempstead (I've learnt to love the place *grins*) and I'm still very much in love with my Mart - he's fantastic...(sorry Mart - but it's true :))

Few opportunities came up for me - training as BSL assessor at NVQ level 3 in London (the course was tiring but hey, this would promise me some freelance jobs after christmas and I will get to meet interesting people)... Job at BBC came up but I could not take it up cos I would be away in Italy... and finally I was involved with Shakespeare Link project - translating Twelfth Night into BSL and perform on video. That was lorra fun - I played the part of Orsino (which meant I get to chill most of the time *grins*). As soon this project finished (it took two weeks) I rushed home to get ready for our hols in Italy (and Sicily)

The Roman experience was fantastic and I thoroughly enjoyed it with Mart - thank goodness we get on really well as travellers as we do as partners :) We got on overnight train to Palermo in Sicily. The highlight of our travels was hiring a car for cou-ple of days - we drove all over Sicily and stopped at various villages (some few thousand feets above sea level!) far away from tourists visiting the island. Met [info]ippola and Mikey in Sicily and we all went up Mount Etna. That was most exciting - as we got to near the crater which erupted last year - sulphur and heat was flowing from that crater....I've never seen so much volcanic rocks and ashes :)

Got back to Rome and back to Pescara (got cheap flights to and from this place - this place is horrendous - don't even try and fly to the place!)

Got Post-holiday blues for the last few days...but am feeling much better...cos Mart and I have been contemplating of our next travels before christmas! Yay!

Am in my office at Reading University - trying to sort out all rubbish cos I'm leaving at the end of this that I can 'fly'...scary and exciting!....

Better get back to work...

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